
Four Easy Steps to Join the Band:

1. New Members fill out an online interest form.

2. All members fIll out UD-MBander. we will let you know when they are available!

3. All members register for the course: MUSC470 Sec 011 (the section number is IMPORTANT). 

4. Audition at the July 28th audition camp at UD (if you live too far from campus you can audition via video with permission from Prof. Ancona). Audition requirements for live and video auditions are in the downloads. 


Audition Packets

The linked EXERCISE PACKETS include the audition material as well as the exercises we will use for mini camps. See the cover sheet on the packet for audition requirements. 

For battery there is a separate download with several exercises' MP3s.

We are looking for performers in all sections including: timpani, synth players, and a digital sound system manager

Click the link for all materials:

Snare Drum

Tenor Drums/Quads

Bass Drum


Front Ensemble

© University of Delaware Marching Band 2012